Print Quality

Did you just receive your print copy in the mail? Does it look beautiful like the images below on the left? Or does it make you want to cry like the ones on the right?

I have recently discovered that the print quality from CreateSpace is variable. Please help me track this by taking photos of the book's cover and interior, along with the product number (see below) and e-mailing them to

If you received a faulty print, you can have it replaced. If it was a kickstarter fulfillment, contact me directly. If you ordered it from CreateSpace, contact their customer support. If you ordered from, you'll have to contact them for a replacement. In all cases please alert me. I am trying to follow this closely in order to decide if I need to switch printers.

Page 2 Great

Nice looking page 2

Page 2 Poor

Faulty page 2

Page 58 Great

Nice looking page 58

Page 58 Poor

Faulty page 58

Product Number

Product Number

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