"The world around us moves in complicated and wonderful ways. We spend the earlier parts of our lives learning about our environment through perception and interaction. We expect the physical world around us to behave consistently with our perceptual memory, e.g. if we drop a rock it will fall due to gravity, if a gust of wind blows, lighter objects will be tossed by the wind further. This class focuses on understanding, simulating, and incorporating motion-based elements of our physical world into the digital worlds that we create. Our hope is to create intuitive, rich, and more satisfying experiences by drawing from the perceptual memories of our users." — James Tu, Dynamic Bodies course description, Spring 2003, ITP
In 2003, as a graduate student at the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) in the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, I enrolled in a course called Dynamic Bodies. The course was taught by interaction designer and ITP adjunct professor James Tu. At the time, my work was focused on a series of software experiments that generated real-time “non-photorealistic” imagery. The applications involved capturing images from a live source and “painting” the colors with elements that moved about the screen according to various rules. The Dynamic Bodies course—which covered vectors, forces, oscillations, particle systems, recursion, steering, and springs—aligned perfectly with my work.
I had been using these concepts informally in my own projects, but had never taken the time to closely examine the science behind the algorithms or learn object-oriented techniques to formalize their implementation. That very semester, I also enrolled in Foundations of Generative Art Systems, a course taught by Philip Galanter, that focused on the theory and practice of generative art, covering topics such as chaos, cellular automata, genetic algorithms, neural networks, and fractals. Both Tu’s course and Galanter’s course opened my eyes to a world of simulation algorithms and techniques that carried me through the next several years of work and teaching, and served as the foundation and inspiration for this book.
But there’s another piece of the puzzle missing from this story.
Galanter’s course was mostly theory-based, while Tu’s was taught using Macromedia Director and the Lingo programming language. That semester, I learned many of the algorithms by translating them into C++ (the language I was using quite awkwardly at the time, well before C++ creative coding environments like openFrameworks and Cinder had arrived). Towards the end of the semester, I discovered something called Processing. Processing was in alpha then (version 0055) and, having had some experience with Java, it intrigued me enough to ask the question: Could this open-source, artist-friendly programming language and environment be the right place to develop a suite of tutorials and examples about programming and simulation? With the support of the ITP and Processing communities, I embarked on what has now been an almost eight-year journey of teaching a variety of programming concepts and their applications using Processing.
I’d like to first thank Red Burns, ITP’s founder, who has supported and encouraged me in my work for over ten years. Dan O’Sullivan, the chair of ITP, has been my teaching mentor and was the first to suggest that I try teaching a course on Processing, giving me a reason to start assembling programming tutorials in the first place. Shawn Van Every, developer extraordinaire and author of Pro Android Media, has also been a rich source of help and inspiration at ITP over the years. ITP faculty members Clay Shirky, Danny Rozin, Katherine Dillon, Marianne Petit, Marina Zurkow, and Tom Igoe have provided a great deal of support and feedback throughout the writing of this book. The rest of the faculty and staff at ITP have also made this possible: Brian Kim, Edward Gordon, George Agudow, John Duane, Marlon Evans, Matt Berger, Megan Demarest, Midori Yasuda, and Rob Ryan.
The students of ITP, too numerous to mention, have been an amazing source of feedback throughout this process. Much of the material in this book comes from my course of the same title, which I’ve now taught for five years. I have stacks of draft printouts of the book with notes scrawled along the margins as well as a vast archive of student emails with corrections, comments, and generous words of encouragement.
I am also indebted to the energetic and supportive community of Processing programmers and artists. I wouldn’t be writing this book if it weren’t for Casey Reas and Ben Fry, who created Processing. I’ve learned half of what I know simply from reading through the Processing source code; the elegant simplicity of the Processing language, website, and IDE has made programming accessible and fun for all of my students. I’ve received advice and inspiration from many Processing programmers including Andrés Colubri, Jer Thorp, Marius Watz, Karsten Schmidt, Robert Hodgin, Seb-Lee Delisle, and Ira Greenberg. Heather Dewey-Hagborg provided a great deal of excellent feedback on Chapter 10 (Neural Networks) and Philip Galanter helped to clarify the definitions of complexity and complex systems. Scott Murray provided some really helpful advice about inline SVGs over e-mail. Many of the titles in the Further Reading section were suggested by Golan Levin.
I am indebted to Shannon Fry, who edited this book every step of the way. The knowledge that I would always have her careful and thoughtful feedback on my writing allowed me to plow ahead, aware that everything would come out sounding better after she got her hands on my chapters.
A special mention goes to Zannah Marsh who worked tirelessly to create over a hundred illustrations for this book, developing a friendly and informal look. I especially want to thank her for her patience and willingness to go with the flow as we changed the illustration requirements several times. I also want to thank David Wilson, who came to my rescue at the last minute and designed the interior layout and cover for the book. I am particularly grateful to Steve Klise, who designed and built the book’s website, helping me to develop a "pay what you want" model for the digital PDF.
As I’ll explain a bit more in the preface, this book was generated with a new open-source system for publishing called “The Magic Book.” A crack team of ITP programmers, designers, and artists worked over the course of more than a year to develop this system, which generates a book in a variety of formats (PDF, HTML, and more) from one single ASCIIDOC file, all designed with CSS layout. Rune Madsen began the project and developed the original Ruby / Sinatra framework. I am pretty sure I’d still be struggling with putting the book together well into 2013 if it weren’t for Rune’s dedication to seeing the project through to the end. Steve Klise contributed countless bug fixes and engineered the system that allows us to restyle code comments to the side of the code blocks themselves. Miguel Bermudez, Evan Emolo, and Luisa Pereira Hors contributed in many ways, learning the ins and outs of ASCIIDOC as well as CSS Paged Media. ITP researcher Greg Borenstein provided a tremendous amount of advice and support along the way regarding the areas of publishing for the Web and print. Prince is the engine the Magic Book uses to generate a PDF from an HTML document, and I’d like to thank Michael Day, CEO of PrinceXML, who answered many of our questions (at lightning speed) along the way.
Finally I’d like to thank my family: my wife, Aliki Caloyeras, who supported this project throughout while having her own giant tome to write, and my children, Elias and Olympia, motivation for finishing this up so that I could spend more time hanging out with them. I’d also like to thank my father, Bernard Shiffman, who generously lent his mathematical expertise and provided feedback along the way, as well as my mother, Doris Yaffe Shiffman, and brother, Jonathan Shiffman, who were always tremendously supportive in asking the question: “How is the book coming along?”
There is another organization and community that has made this book possible: Kickstarter.
In 2008, I completed work on my first book, Learning Processing, published by Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier. Learning Processing took almost three years to finish. I didn’t take a lot of care in choosing a publisher or thinking about the terms. I just thought — “Really? You want to publish a book by me? OK, I’ll do it.” Unfortunately, my experience was not entirely positive. I had five different editors assigned to me throughout the process, and I received little to no feedback on the content itself. The publisher outsourced the typesetting, which resulted in a great deal of mistakes and inconsistencies in production. In addition, I found the pricing of the book to be off the mark. My goal was to write a friendly, inexpensive (black and white), paperback introduction to programming in Processing, and the book ended up retailing for a "textbook" price of $50.
Now, I want to emphasize that my publisher had good intentions. They honestly wanted to produce the best book possible, one that I would be happy with, that they would be happy with, and that readers would enjoy. And they worked hard to make this happen. Unfortunately, they had to work within a very tight budget, and as a result were stretched extremely thin. In addition, I don’t think they were terribly familiar with the world of open-source “creative” coding environments like Processing; their world is computer science textbooks.
As a result, for this Nature of Code book, I felt it was important to try self-publishing. Since I didn’t get editing support from the publisher, why not hire an editor? I wasn’t happy with the pricing, so why not set the price myself (or, in the case of the PDF, let the buyer set the price)? Then there’s the question of marketing — does a publisher add value and help you reach an audience? In some cases, the answer is yes. The O’Reilly “Make” series, for example, does a wonderful job of creating a community around their books and products. Still, in the case of learning to program in Processing, reaching the audience is as simple as one URL — processing.org.
Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that there is one thing a publisher offers that I was not getting from my self-publishing path. One very important, highly crucial detail — a deadline. On my own, I floundered for two years, saying I was going to write the Nature of Code book but only drafting a little bit here and there. On my list of things I needed to do, it was always at the bottom. Then along came Kickstarter, and with an audience sitting and waiting (and having spent cash money), I lived in fear of not meeting my deadline. And the fact that you are reading this now is an indication that it worked.
Most importantly, self-publishing the book has allowed me a great deal of flexibility in how I price and distribute the content. On Elsevier’s website, you can purchase Learning Processing as an e-book for $53.95. That’s right, fifty-three dollars and ninety-five cents. Incidentally, for each e-book sold I get a royalty of 5%, which is $2.70. That’s right, two dollars and seventy cents. If I self-publish, I can make the book massively cheaper. Selling a digital copy for $10, I’m reducing the cost to the reader by over eighty percent and tripling the money paid to me. I’m taking this even further with the PDF and allowing buyers to set the price themselves.
In addition, by owning all the content, I am able to release the entire book online for free as well as experiment with new digital formats. The raw text of the book, as well as all the code and illustrations, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license and is available on GitHub, where readers can submit issues (not to mention pull requests!) with corrections and comments. Finally, by using more flexible print-on-demand services, I can more easily make changes and keep the book current, releasing new editions as often as I like. (A one-time purchase of a digital copy of the book includes lifetime upgrades for free.)
So thank you to Kickstarter, both the company (especially Fred Benenson, who convinced me to take the plunge in the first place and advised me on how to license the book) as well as all the backers who took a chance on this book. Some of these backers, through generosity beyond the call of duty, earned an extra thank-you as part of their reward:
Alexandre B.
Robert Hodgin
JooYoun Paek
Angela McNamee (Boyhan)
Bob Ippolito
All of the backers directly contributed to the finishing of this book. Just the sheer act of signing up to contribute money for draft and final versions lit a fire in me to finish, not to mention provided me with the resources to pay for design and editing work (and some babysitting during Saturday morning writing sessions).
In addition to contributing funds, Kickstarter backers read pre-release versions of the chapters and provided tons of feedback, catching many errors and pointing out confusing sections of the book. Two such readers that I’d like to thank are Frederik Vanhoutte and Hans de Wolf, whose expert knowledge of Newtonian physics was enormously helpful in the revising of Chapters 2 and 3.